Postpartum Pack

$ 280

6 hours of learning, 6 hours for you. This pack includes 3 courses: Recovery & you, Healing & you and Breastfeeding & you. There is no duplicate material in these courses. You will be taught by 8 expert teachers about your body after birth and into motherhood. There is information on body care for c-section and vaginal birth, nutrition, pain management, hair loss, yoga, breastfeeding, mental health, return to movement and much more.

  • Postpartum timelines for recovery from vaginal and cesarean births with guidance on physical symptoms and acceptable movements
  • Physiological changes in the golden hour, the first few days and for cesarean-section mothers
  • Overview of the impact of pregnancy on your musculoskeletal system
  • Review of the possible tissue dysfunctions caused during childbirth and care therapies
  • Adaptations that you can try to manage pain on your own and warning signs for when to seek help
  • Ayurvedic Postpartum Care Foundations and Therapies
  • Preparing your nest and support team
  • Belly Binding: What it is, Why it is important and how to do it
  • Sophrology Session: Breathing for Healing
  • Reconnect to your Breath, 25 minute yoga class
  • Basic nutritional needs and vitamins to consider, recipes for nourishment in postpartum from Ayurvedic Practice (ghee, milk tonics, laxatives)
  • Herbs and their healing properties including how to prepare a sitz bath or foot soak
  • Remedies and prevention for postpartum hair loss
  • Self-awareness of posture and how to handle abdominal pressure
  • Ayurvedic Pillar of Body Care
  • Abhyanga self-massage: Why it is important, what you need and what to expect, massage sequence including scalp massage
  • Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorders overview and signs to consult
  • Reconnect to your Core, 20 min Yoga Class
  • Reconnect to your Pelvic Floor, 35 min Yoga Class
  • Foods for Energy and a Speedy Recovery
  • Sexuality after giving birth
  • Sleep strategies and guided Yoga Nidra sequence for mothers
  • The Milk Supply: timeline of milk coming in, when to pump/not pump, and how to not “mess up” the natural supply
  • Breastfeeding Positions
  • Engorgement, Plugged Ducts and Nipple Care: what to do and remedies that can help
  • Abhyanga self breast  massage: Why it is important, what you need and what to expect, massage sequence
  • Nutritional needs specific to lactation
  • Lactation Support Recipes
  • Sophrology Session: Audio track for Breastfeeding
  • Guided Yoga Nidra sequence for breastfeeding mothers

BONUS PACK: Learn from a personal trainer how to do 360 breathing, pelvic floor contractions and compressions.  Learn from a physical therapist how to assess your diastasis recti, incontinence and C-section scar mobility. Learn how to perform all the moves that you will actually be doing in your daily life - push a stroller up hill, lift heavy items, get your baby out of the bath and out of the crib, get up off the floor. An upper body opener yoga class because all new parents are a bit too hunched over, and this will help!

Accessible for life, one time payment