Postpartum Incontinence

Postpartum Incontinence

Why do I pee when I cough/jump/sneeze and how do I make it stop? You are not alone, and it doesn’t have to be this way. 1 in 4 women suffer from pelvic floor dysfunction. During the postpartum period incontinence is common. There are different types of pelvic floor...
Breastfeeding FAQ

Breastfeeding FAQ

Your breastfeeding journey: engorgement, saggy breasts, sore nipples, leaky ducts and everything in between. How often do I need to nurse my baby? In the first weeks, your baby will normally nurse every 2-3 hours, but they might get a longer stretch in (hopefully at...
Mom moves with personal trainer Emi

Mom moves with personal trainer Emi

Emi Lehane, is a fully certified Personal Trainer based in Geneva with specialist certifications for working with pre and postpartum women. We met with her in person to discuss postpartum exercise and movement. In the following videos she shares some tips for carrying...
Postpartum cramping, explained

Postpartum cramping, explained

Introducing afterpains aka postpartum cramps. Now that your baby has entered the world and exited your body, your uterus needs to get back to its pre-pregnancy size. The uterus also needs to quickly close off all of the blood vessels that were bringing your baby...