Breastfeeding FAQ

Breastfeeding FAQ

Your breastfeeding journey: engorgement, saggy breasts, sore nipples, leaky ducts and everything in between. How often do I need to nurse my baby? In the first weeks, your baby will normally nurse every 2-3 hours, but they might get a longer stretch in (hopefully at...
Lochia Stages: Your questions, answered

Lochia Stages: Your questions, answered

Your baby has grown inside of your uterus and been connected to your blood supply for 40+ weeks. After delivery of your baby and the placenta your uterus is left with an open wound. Your body quickly works to contract your uterus and seal off all of the blood vessels...
Pelvic floor exercises for after birth: Start here!

Pelvic floor exercises for after birth: Start here!

You just gave birth – AMAZING!! Time to activate and differentiate your muscles so that you will can learn how to do a pelvic floor contractions, start your pelvic floor exercises and regain your strength!  What is the pelvic floor and why does it matter after birth?...
4 ways to help your newborn sleep independently

4 ways to help your newborn sleep independently

After a general overview of newborn sleep we can dive into some practical tips for your daily routine. Independent sleepers can both self-initiate sleep and self-soothe. But, no baby is born with these abilities – they must be learned. There are a few things you...