Tips for flying with babies: how to prepare and what to pack

Oct 13, 2023 | Parenthood | 0 comments

Flying is stressful for so many reasons: the timing, the stuff, the space constraints, the waiting, the queuing, time-changes, and the lack of control over anything. Adding a baby into that is next level. Anything can happen, and everything will happen.

Planning ahead and packing some key items can give you some control in an uncontrollable time. We have you covered with 3 things to consider when planning ahead and 4 things to keep in mind when packing- these are out top tips for flying with babies! Flying with older children or multiple children? Check out these articles for flying with kids or traveling with kids in general.

tips for flying with babies

Part I: Preparation

#1 Request the bassinet and a special meal

As with anything, the tips for flying with babies begin with preparation. A few simple requests when you book your airline tickets can add some comfort in your travel. If you are going on an international flight with a baby under 6 months (specifically before they can sit up) you can request the bassinet at the bulkhead. Sometimes they clip on the wall and sometimes they go on the floor.

bassinet on the wall

It can be really useful for littles who will sleep on the plane, or for a nighttime flight, but remember you will have to take your baby out during turbulence, taxi, takeoff and landing. You generally have to call to reserve this and keep in mind, it’s not guaranteed. Pro tip for flying with babies: Call the airline a few days before your flight to reconfirm that they have received your request. 

For an overnight flight you may want to request a special meal when booking. The special meals get served before the rest of the plane, which leaves you more time to get your baby and yourself (maybe) to sleep. Trying to get on local time as soon as possible will help with jetlag.

#2 Practice breastfeeding in the carrier

If you have never done this before – try it at home. You generally have to drop your baby down a bit lower and, of course, wear an easy access top or dress. This is a great trick if you have a hungry baby and are waiting in line or have no place or time to sit. Try it with the actual outfit you want to wear on the airplane, we recommend a dress.

#3 Plan your travel outfit

Think about the hours you will pass standing, swaying, walking, sitting with your baby in the carrier. Wear a dress so that you can go to the bathroom with your baby asleep in the carrier. We promise, if you need this option you will regret waking up your baby or holding it until they wake up. Wear an open sweater or big scarf that’s easy to put on, keeps you warm and can provide you with some privacy when breastfeeding.

Pro tip for flying with a baby: Wear a dress this will minimize seams under the carrier and give you easy access if you need to use the loo with a sleeping baby on you. 

Part II: Packing

Baby Containers

travel with babies


The stroller is great at the airport, during connections, waiting in lines, going to the bathroom, and for when you get to where you’re going! Strollers do not count towards your baggage allowance and can be gate-checked. They are also great if you are traveling with older kids when they get tired of walking or waiting, or for when you need to move quickly. Worst case scenario your stroller can serve as a cart, and if your baby spends the trip in the carrier you can put your diaper bag (backpack recommended) in the stroller.

Baby Carrier

A baby carrier is the one thing to never travel without for a baby under 1.5 years. Imagine trying to get your baby to sleep in your tiny airplane seat? No way. You will spend the flight rocking your baby to sleep by the toilets, and then carefully moving back to your seat to sit uncomfortably leaning forward (often still swaying) in an effort to keep your baby asleep.  Imagine this scene and you will understand why you should wear a dress and bring airpods.

Car Seat

If you are traveling with one then you will either check it in or gate check it. Remember baby gear (stroller, car seats and diaper bags) does not count in your baggage allowance, so bring what you need.  If you check it through to your destination you can order a car seat bag for nothing on amazon and use it like a free checked bag. It’s the perfect spot for coats, blankets, diapers, shoes or other overflow items. If you are planning to gate check, make sure you ask at check-in and again the gate if there are any extra seats. Having your baby in a car seat on the plane will change your life, we promise.

Product Recommendations

I have compiled all of my favorite travel products over the past years from luggage to entertainment. Head over to our shop to learn more about my favorites!

Diapers and clothes

Triple your travel time and pack the number of diapers that match. Pack three complete outfits for your baby. Save precious space in your diaper bag, keep your baby cozy and make outfit changes easily with zipper, footed PJs! 

Of course you will bring clean clothes for your baby, but you may not think about a change of clothes for yourself.  Even if your baby has yet to pee on you during a diaper change, or does regurgitate much, you will be relieved to not sit in their pee or vomit. Pack a change of clothes, or at least top and a bra, just in case. And, don’t forget, plastic bags to pack away any wet/dirty clothes. Not ziplock sized, but fresh-produce sized.  We like to keep the essential changing supplies (diaper, changing pad, wipes, extra outfit, plastic bags) in a separate pouch so you don’t have to lug the entire diaper bag with you into the teeny airplane bathroom.

travel with babies: packing

Here’s what’s in my diaper bag for travel with a baby and 3yr old. From the top left around clockwise: change of clothes for baby, diapers, medicine in case of fever and melatonin for the 3yr old, change of clothes for 3yr old, passports and wallet, chargers, headphones, airpods (missing in photo), wipes, tissues, plastic bag for any wet clothes, change of clothes for me.

Airpods and plug-in headphones

Airpods are crucial for when you’re standing by the toilets, swaying your baby to sleep. Download your podcasts or music ahead of time to pass the time. Bring your regular headphones too, that way you can watch TV in your seat. Sounds impossible, we know. But if your baby is asleep on you in the carrier, it’s not super comfortable or easy to sleep or move, so the best option is often to plug in and turn on the TV.

headphones with baby
airpods on airplane

Don’t forget about closed captioning if you get in a bind and can’t reach your headphones, you can always look for something to watch that at least you can read along ;D

closed captioning on airplane
in summary

Final thoughts

We hope these tips for flying with babies will help you prepare for a fun getaway. If you are planning a big trip and wondering the best, ahem least painful, age to fly- avoid 9 months to 2 years.

Under 6 months, when your baby sleeps a lot and only drinks milk it is easy to go anywhere. They can sleep in the stroller at restaurants or while walking around town, and you can enjoy a bit “like before.”

From 6 to 9 months, pre-mobility and extreme curiosity it is still ok to travel. You have to bring some more toys, lots of food (which will be messy), and you will probably be hindered by naps and early bed-time, but it is still better than 9 months to 2 years.

The “no-fly” age – 9 months to 2 years – is the transition from baby to toddler. Your baby will be eating a lot and often, and discovering the world – wanting to walk and climb and talk and be understood.

If you can wait until they are 2 years old, flying with kids really does gets easier. They will be down to one big afternoon nap, can eat restaurant food, will likely be entertained by TV on the plane, and you can communicate with them.

Remember, time always passes and you will get to where you’re going whether your baby screams the whole time or it just feels like that. Some people will be rude and oblivious, and some people will be kind and understanding. Just focus on your family. You’re doing the best you can. 

Have you flown with children? What works for you? Let us know in the comments!

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